Weeknd - Low Life - Testi - TrovaCd

Weeknd - Low Life

I turn the SoFi to a poor house
It's like eviction number four now
Go 'head and ash it on the floor now
Girl, go 'head and show me how you go down
And I feel my whole body peakin' (Yeah)
And I'm fuckin' anybody with they legs wide
Got me faded with some bitches from the West Side (Woo)
East coast nigga reppin' North Side, never waste a
Bitch, I'm on my own time, fuck a nigga co-sign
Always change my number and my phone line (And my)
Baby girl, I don't lie, used to have no money for a crib
Now, my room service bill cost your
They try to stunt me, I go all out military
I'm camo'd all out, like I'm in the military
And free up all my niggas locked up in the peni'
'Cause I'm always reppin' for that

Reppin' for that low life, low life, low life, low life
Got me reppin' for the low life
Said I'm reppin' for that low life
Low life, low life, low life, oh yeah
Said I'm reppin' for that low life tonight
'Cause we sold out The SoFi three times

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(rsd 2024 - limited edition)
20 aprile 2024
3 vinili
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